Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Sat 1/1/05 9:30a Culver City

Alright, so I didn't really expect a whole lot of people to show bright and early on New Year's Day, but we had a decent turn out - between 45 and 50 people. I polled the class - quite a few people showed up with hangovers.

The class was fun. We went all out with the choreography because there were no new people. I could zone out when I cue because I didn't have to keep an eye on anybody, I could just concentrate on making it fun. Like the Rocker-Hopper-Chopper Combo.

New people are showing up the last couple of days (1/3 - today 1/4) so choreography is simplified to at least give the rookies a fighting chance to learn the class. I'm interested to see who makes it this year.

Tapes: 35A/39B/1A